Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Grandfather Mountain Highland Games 2012

Saturday morning on the Blue Ridge Parkway in the fog. This is the part called the Linville Viaduct that hangs you out on the side of the mountain. It's a beautiful view when it's not so foggy.

One of the places the bus lets you out if you have to park at the bottom of the mountain on Hwy 221. This is the site of what we called "Fort Potter" where Danny Potter parked his old one person 50's style RV. I did what I told Danny I always wanted to do the GMHG's before he died: I pitched a one man tent in front of Fort Potter for about four days. 

The front entrance with GM in the background. I actually took this at the end of the day Saturday when the sun came out for a bit.

Mike Cowan, past city councilman of Whitfield County (Tunnel Hill), GA. Mike has since had a serious motorcycle wreck and has moved to Dalton.

Hey! Who's that next to us? Why it's our old buddies (and I do mean from way back) the MacFarlanes! If you don't know our history with the MacFarlanes...well, maybe I better tell you later or better yet Google it.

Neil MacFarlane Webb and Jim Kilpatrick wrangle a Heiland Coo.

A few tents down the outside Maxwell tent remained empty until all of a sudden it was filled with musicians! Just another part of the magic that happens at Grandfather Mountain.

On our other side was the Hendersons. The Loch Norman Pipe Band played a set, did the Henderson walk, then played another set for them just outside of our tent.

This beautiful tent was set up by Beth Calhoun and Stephen Batts below. You could literally see the top sign all the way across the field.

The parade of tartans Sunday morning!

Left to right: Jim Kilpatrick, me, Beth Calhoun, Archie Cowan with the American ensign, and Dave Cowan on the right.

With Chirstie Harrison, past president of COSCA. Christie started her Scottish American experience by joining our clan. Dave Cowan's wife Sandy is on the left.

Sherrill Greene whose g'grandmother was a Potter, Jim Kilpatrick, Beth Calhoun.

Scottish District Family Association. The first Scottish games I went to was in Savannah in 1981. They found my last name, Hodges, in Phillip Smith's Tartan For Me with "Glasgow District" across from it, but no one knew what that meant. About 12 years ago Judi Lloyd started the  SDFA and my last name found a home at the Highland Games. I never thought to tell them my middle name is Calhoun.

Didn't he go by a little while ago in a different kilt? City of Glasgow tartan.

Christie Harrison, Beth Calhoun, and the very happy lady is current president of COSCA Sue McIntosh. I believe she lives in Colorado.

Thanks to Dave Cowan for standing out on that field for so long and carry our banner around one more time.

It rained a couple of times but there was a large attendance overall.

The Hendersons sang in the rain next door!

This is Tom McLain who I've known for several years as the nice gentleman who keeps the back gate.

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