Thanks to Neill McDonald, President of the Savannah Scottish Games, for getting the latest picture of the Sgt. Rufus Calhoun Hodges Hussar Award into the program at the last minute. I wasn't feeling well earlier this year and was late getting it to Neill. By the way, the tartan at the bottom of the program above is the State Of Georgia tartan.
The Celtic Croft has offered a 5% discount if you buy something and mention that you saw them in our newsletter. Here's the mention for members connected to the Internet; we'll also mention it for our members contacted through the mail.
That looks like a Colquhoun Ancient to me! I used to be that skinny.
One thing I like about their catalogs is this:
We've made many friends at the Games tent (and maybe one or two points closer to that coveted "Best Clan Tent" award) by giving a stranger a catalog like this with a picture of a sample of the tartan they're looking for or maybe a tartan that we've just helped them discover. It promotes yourself, it promotes the games you're at, it promotes a vendor, and it promotes good will which is what it's all about.
Coming September 11, 2010. We had a couple named Kirkpatrick for several years represent us at these games. They had the most beautiful tent in the pictures they sent us.
I think both of them were teachers, but whoever was in charge of setting up the tent had some interior decorating talent.