Friday, June 27, 2008

My Original Alice Calhoun Article

We’re planning on attending the Charleston, SC games the weekend of September 15th. The Colquhoun tent at this festival is very aptly manned by Steve and Mary Hudson. We are also hoping to meet Susann Disbro Gilbert who is working on a biography about her relative who was a Silent Film star named…
Alice Calhoun.
Postcard 1922
Alice started her film career in 1919 (possibly as early as 1918 in a role not credited) and made her last film in 1934. Susann writes:
“Alice Beatrice Calhoun (nicknamed "ABC") was born on November 24, 1900 in Cleveland, Ohio, the daughter of Florence F. Payne and Joseph Chester Calhoun. She had one brother, Joseph Jr., who was not only a practicing attorney in Cleveland, but also a Danish and Norwegian consul.”
We’ve searched the “Glendex” (the index written by Glen Ethier and eight volunteers of the 4 volumes of Orval Calhoun’s Our Calhoun Family) and haven’t found an exact match for Alice’s ancestry there yet. If anyone recognizes Alice’s parents names, please let us know.
Original pictures acquired off of E Bay.
Alice was regarded among her peers as a professional. She was able to portray a personality over the Silent Screen that exuded a charm that warmed her audience to her. Letters sent to her active fan club were always personally answered. In the 49 films she made, Alice often played strong, successful characters. Some of the other professionals our members may recognize that Alice worked with are Oliver Hardy (“in two rare dramatic roles in Little Wildcat and One Stolen Night”), Rin Tin Tin, and the great character actor Alan Hale, Sr. who looks very similar to his son who played the Skipper on Gilligan’s Island. Alice had a savvy indication of how the city of Los Angeles would grow and built a movie theatre in 1925. Her Star is on Hollywood’s Walk Of Fame and a plaque is outside the Alice Calhoun Chotiner Wing of the Los Angeles City of Hope biomedical research, treatment and educational institution that her husband financed in her honor. Alice died June 3, 1966 and rests at the Little Garden of Faithfulness at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California. Thanks to Susann Disbro Gilbert for this information and photos. Her website is:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sidney D. Kirkpatrick III

Mr. Kirkpatrick was gracious enough to contact me several years ago (14 now??) about Clan Colquhoun. We talked about an idea of mine to make a movie about Sir Iain Colquhoun whose life experiences were made to order for a film. I was kind of hoping he'd jump on the idea, but instead he gave me good advice and sent me several copies of screenplays to look through to see how they're done. Ironically within a couple of years the movies Rob Roy and Braveheart debuted. I guess my thinking was right at time!
I was going to post a link to Mr. Kirkpatrick's biography but I've just discovered tonight that the website it was on is no longer active. In fact, there is no site I can find that has a bio of him! I printed this one out that I display at festivals along with a copy of my favorite book. A Cast Of Killers is my favorite book because it takes place during the time period I like the best.

The Glasgow Caber

Received this in the mail today and thought I'd share it with you.

Original Photograph of Silent Film Director Rex Ingram

I picked this up on e bay two years ago. Rex is the younger gentleman on the right.

Although Rex Ingram was not his birth name, he did have some Ingram ancestry. His birth name was Reginald Ingram Montgomery Hitchcock.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Colquhouns Listed In No Quarter Given

I used this book when researching this article.

On Prince Charles' Staff, 14 names down:

Also, 14 names down:

3rd from the bottom:

A curious name, 7th from the bottom:

Friday, June 13, 2008

Jacksonville, FL Pictures

From Chuck & Anne Stoodley the weekend of February 23, 2008 (Chuck's birthday!)

At the reception. That's Mike & Elaine Davidson from NC on the right. Mike is president of Clan Davidson.

Chuck & Anne.

The Jacksonville Games have moved to a covered pavilion instead of out in the open with tents.

The Stoodleys set up a nice memorial to Sir Ivar.

With Vicki and Sam Overstreet.